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Project Pardon: Pupils at Risk of Dropping Out Needs


                    Education is for all. By the year 2015 it is hoped that all school aged children should be in school, may it be on formal or non-formal classes. The schoo, targeted zero drop out as well as 100% participation rate, completion rate, graduation rate, cohort survival, and transition rate. Yet at present, th eschool data shows that participation rate is still far from 100%.Cohort-survival rate is still 80% while completion rate is equally low at 77% by the school year 2011-2012. By the same school year, the drop out rate is very high with 6.61%.

         It is in this light that Project Pardon was conceptualized. This project aims to reach out of all school age pupils, motivate them to enroll either in formal schooling or ALS to stay in school.

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